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2024-04-30 14:19| 来源: 网络整理| 查看: 265

Flag of imeOptions: used to request an IME that is capable of inputting ASCII characters. The intention of this flag is to ensure that the user can type Roman alphabet characters in a TextView. It is typically used for an account ID or password input. A lot of the time, IMEs are already able to input ASCII even without being told so (such IMEs already respect this flag in a sense), but there are cases when this is not the default. For instance, users of languages using a different script like Arabic, Greek, Hebrew or Russian typically have a keyboard that can't input ASCII characters by default. Applications need to be aware that the flag is not a guarantee, and some IMEs may not respect it. However, it is strongly recommended for IME authors to respect this flag especially when their IME could end up with a state where only languages using non-ASCII are enabled.






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